Friday, November 23, 2018

The Power of Reflection

NaNoWriMo and Books & Family Sunday

November is one of those amazingly busy months. First, there’s NaNoWriMo. If you aren’t familiar with the term, here’s a quick overview: NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month and it involves a personal challenge to complete 50,000 words toward a novel of your choice within thirty days. To some, that may sound daunting; to others, a challenge worth taking! For years, I’ll admit, I was part of that first camp. Back then, I only wrote shorter pieces, and then, only when I was inspired by something. Now, I’ve graduated to novel-length works and this year I decided to embark on my first NaNoWriMo adventure!

I must say that it hasn’t been easy! Coming to your computer each day and writing something—anything, just for the sake of increasing your word count is harder than I thought it would be, but it’s worth it! I’ve always been a firm believer in accountability, which is why I always encourage writers to have a writing partner or to participate in a writers’ group. In the month of November, NaNoWriMo provides a safe space for both of these things to happen! There aren’t only opportunities to find like-minded authors, but there are regional and local events abound to meet other NaNo participates. I highly recommend checking it out! You can find all of the information you’ll need and much more at the NaNoWriMo website.

Of course, while you’re still in the fray of your NaNoWriMo challenge, Thanksgiving will sneak right up on you! Personally, I find this to be the best time of year to take a few moments to reflect on everything you’ve accomplished and all of the things you’d like to work on in the future. It’s a day for acknowledging all that you’re grateful for, and if you’re so inclined, for feasting and eating excessive amounts of pumpkin pie (which is an all-year-round struggle for me!).

Black Friday, of course, is next on the chopping block, followed by Small Business Saturday and Cyber Monday. It can become a whirlwind of shopping and stressful moments, which is why I think Alan Bourgeois, The founder of Texas Association of Authors and Indie Beacon, is encouraging people to take back the Sunday after Thanksgiving from the marketing and retail outlets and make it a day for family and friends to gather together, relax, and enjoy one or more great books. I think this is an amazing idea, and if we, as a culture, embrace Books & Family Sunday, we’ll be in great company, as this has been a beautiful Icelandic tradition for years!

So I say, be grateful, eat up, do tons of shopping, and then be sure to grab a great read for yourself and your family and friends, and then curl up on Sunday to read, reflect, and prepare for the upcoming Christmas Season!


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