Monday, December 17, 2018

The Magic of Christmas

2018 ~ A Year in Review

I can’t believe that we’re nearly halfway through December already! This year has gone by in a flash and even though Winter’s Wonderland has “technically” only been around since July, I’ve been busy as a bee! I’ve read so many amazing books and I’ve met and interviewed some truly awesome authors. I also participated in my first NaNoWriMo event and won—woo hoo, and I have a ton of upcoming projects coming down the pike.

As you guys already know, my short story, My Brother's Keeper, was released in December in the Merry Krampus: Anthology, and book one of The Gamer series is due out in 2019. I also have a bunch of other short stories and flash fiction pieces due out in a variety of anthologies and publications. I’m so excited! Be sure to check back often for updates! I’m also beyond thrilled to announce that I have an amazing group of people lined up for the 2019 Author’s Spotlight. I can’t wait to get to know everyone and share their amazing stories!

Of course, I’d like to once again thank all of the authors who participated in my 2018 Author Spotlight. It was an absolute pleasure getting to know everyone, so reader, if you haven’t already checked out their interviews and books, you can visit my blog here and then dive into some great reads! It goes without saying that I enjoyed every single one of these books and I highly recommend them all!

I’d also like to share my favorite books of the year—the first of which is oh-so-appropriate given the season! The Afterlife of Holly Chase is a YA Retelling of A Christmas Carol and it is fantastic! The storyline is entertaining and gripping, the humor and wit is marvelous, and the character development is profound and moving. I LOVED this book and I cannot recommend it enough! M. Sean Coleman’s The Cuckoo Wood is another honorable mention—the suspense, mystery, and intrigue kept me on the edge of my seat the entire way through. This was also my year for all things Shari Lapena—she’s an amazing author and she’s written some amazing books; read them! Last, but definitely not least, I really enjoyed The Keeper of Lost Things. It was cute and sentimental and the writing was exquisite and lovely.

If there are any books that you wanted to recommend to me or to the other readers, please be sure to leave a comment below and I’ll check them out soon. Also, don’t forget to check out 2018’s Author Spotlights if you haven’t already, and most importantly, do be sure to enjoy your holidays! 2018 has been an awesome, busy year, and I look forward to keeping the momentum going and chatting with you all soon.


Special thanks again to my Author Spotlight participates...